Altoona Park Storage

5 Ways to Protect Items in Your Storage Unit

You’re looking at a storage unit. Maybe the facility doesn’t have climate control, meaning it isn’t sealed off from the world, so how do you protect your goods from being damaged?

Most likely, if your unit is covered and walled in, you won’t ever have to deal with ice or large amounts of water, but sometimes water is able to creep into your storage unit.

1. Tarp Protection

Laying a tarp on the floor can help alleviate some of the water issues, especially when it comes to boxes. No one likes picking up wet cardboard.

Although, how do you protect the goods inside the box?

2. Plastic Bags

We’ve seen it all, but plastic bags have to be one of the best ways to protect your good and valuables. Plastic, in nature, does not EVER break down unless ripped or torn. (I mean, we have plenty of plastic that has survives in the ocean for years but that’s for another time). ZipLock bags, garbage bags, PLASTIC can really protect your goods.

Cardboard is meant to be broken down and biodegrade, while plastic is here forever. You might as well put it to good use.

Make sure you recycle or throw away your plastic though, please. 🙂

3. Raise the floor

One thing, and perhaps this is very overlooked, is to raise valuables off of the floor. Have a couch that you don’t want to get wet? Well, raise it half an inch off the floor, while making sure it’s covered of course. (Did we mention plastics and tarps are great for protection?)

You could use blocks of wood, which can be obtained pretty cheap at a place such as Menards (for my midwestern folk) or the Home Depot (for the national folk).


I have had the thrill of cleaning out storage units after people haven’t paid their bill. The most disgusting and worse thing that we ever found in a storage unit was food. Bags of Doritos, other chips, cookies, you name it. The food would ROT and then the bugs would get to it.

If you want to keep your possessions fresh and away from the bugs, do not leave food in your storage unit.

5. Clean your possessions

If you put something into your storage unit that is dirty, it will come out dirty. I know, it’s pretty simple, but it is often something that people overlook!

Cleaning your stuff before you put it in is a great way to make sure it lasts longer than if you didn’t clean it.


I know none of this is earth breaking, but these are things you should consider when you are putting your stuff into a storage unit. You’d be surprised how many people never take any of this into consideration.

If you are looking for great storage units in Des Moines, please take a look at Altoona Park Storage, which is located in Altoona! 🙂 We keep our new units clean and affordable. Take a look at our prices on our home page.